Cusco has the last engineering work preserved from the ancient Inca civilization. It’s an important hanging bridge, made of rope which is sacred to the region communities. Today, Sun Gate Tours invites you to visit and tour into the Qeshuachaca bridge, and to discover its incredible reconstruction rituals.
Qeshuacha Tour Location
Qeshuachaca Tour is located at 180 km from Cusco City and it was built more than 500 years ago.
This suspension bridge has 30 meters long and 1.20 meters wide. Additionally, this bridge is made of Ichu and with ancient techniques that are surprising resistance to the time. And this is the last one bridge.
For this reason, its name translates from Quechua ‘rope bridge’.
According to the history of this place, Incas times there was a wide network of roads and bridges that linked the territories of of the kingdom “Tahuantinsuyo”.
Qeshuachaca bridge were built to move easily through the Andes geography in Peru.
What is the reconstruction
ritual of Qeshuachaca Tour bridge?
On the second Sunday in June every year since more than 500 years. Several communities meet to rebuild the Qeshuachaca bridge. This maintenance was did for more than 500 years to preserve better relations among communities and keep the flame of the ancient cultures of these places.
Do not miss the last bridge built by the Incas and rebuilt each year by communities that live in this place.
An ancestral work that allows you to discover the cultural richness of the rural communities of Cusco.
Sun Gate Tours offers this tour by request. Depends of your custommize travel we can do scheduled it with the best options that we have to offer you. Just contact us by email or whatsaap number and we glad to help you anytime!.
Here you have the information:
Whatsaap number: +51901994670